Contact- (541) 505-3318

Call or Visit

63830 Clausen Rd Suite 102, Bend Oregon, 97701

We are here!.png

How to find us!

From Bend: Take Cooley to Clausen and go all the way to cul de sac then go right.

From Redmond: Head South on HWY 97 towards Bend. Turn Right on Grandview DR (Directly after Volvo Cars)

Continued: From Granview DR, Turn Right on Clausen Rd. Head to the end of the Cul-De-Sac and turn into the business center. Drive straight to the end, turn Left and we are the second to last business on the block.

Contact Us!

Open Times

Tuesday and Thursday: 3PM – 6:30PM for regular office/gym hours

Wednesday 2:30PM to 3:30PM for Regular office/ gym hours

Friday: 10:30AM -- 12:00PM for regular office/gym hours                        

Saturday: 9:30AM – 10:30AM for regular office/gym hours

Sunday: Closed


Gym Office- (541) 505-3318


Any questions feel free to shoot us an email!