Contact- (541) 505-3318
Our Mission:
Abstract In Motion is Central Oregon's first Parkour gym. Our mission is to create a community for everyone to enjoy movement, challenge the idea of playing and improve personal fitness.
About Parkour
The essence of Parkour can be stated simply: it is the art of overcoming obstacles as swiftly and efficiently as possible using only your body. The fundamentals include running, jumping, and climbing, and we build on these fundamentals to improve our ability to pass over, under, around and through obstacles with more complex movements. Parkour is a system of fitness training that improves strength, speed, agility, co-ordination, stamina, endurance, and precision. It offers a full-body workout at any level of experience, and improves your ability to move, to harness your confidence, to change how you see the world.
About Our Staff
Eric Corrales - Owner and Head Instructor
Nickname- Gorillaman
I have lived in the Beautiful Central Oregon since I was a young teen and couldn't see myself anywhere else quite yet. I’ve been training in Parkour for 17 years and teaching for 14 years. I started my career teaching at Acrovision Sports Center in 2010 and soon after became the Parkour Director there. In 2012 I left the company, and began teaching my own Parkour and Tricking classes at Sortor Bushido Kai Karate. I built up the Bend Parkour community through facilitating public meet ups, private lessons, camps, and workshops. In 2015 I was able to open my own gym, Abstract In Motion, and have continued growing the community since. Summer of 2021 I had the opportunity to expand the business into what you see today.
Life inevitably has some hard times, through Parkour I have been able to overcome and learn from these adversities making me into the man I am today. I haven’t always been athletic, in fact, as a child, I was the least athletic in my family. I suffered severe asthma and couldn’t even go outside due the severity of my condition. At 5 years old I was finally able to go outside for several hours at a time, and was soon addicted to running and jumping around! This was my first trial overcome through Movement. Several years later in 2008, I found my life and my passion, something I could be good at and enjoy to do, Parkour!
For 3 years I tried opening a gym and always ran into some kind of barricade. I was able to open in 2015, but less than a year later I had my first real injury, in a foam pit at a gymnastic facility. I had fractured my Talus. For anyone who doesn't know (because I didn’t) it's the little bone that connects the ankle to the heal of the foot... Pretty important. I was out of commission for months, unable to train or adequately teach. Once I thought it was healed, I immediately re-injured it. I had been entertaining children and did a back flip on a table, landed it, stepped off the table and slipped in mud. This tore a tendon from my Talus and put me out of commission again for months. It was a rough first year for the gym, but just like any Parkour move, I eventually overcame these obstacles and have opened up this awesome gym! Injury and challenges tend to happen in life and both have a way of making you more humble to the little things. You slow down, rethink and slowly but surely allowing yourself to heal and progress. And I plan on continuing to heal and progress efficiently and effectively.
Over the past 3 years I have been competing in Parkour competitions across the world. And either podiuming or winning some of them.
Through out my years, I have traveled places and met people I would not have unless I started Parkour. I am excited that now I am not only able to share my stories but I am able to bring instructors and students on some of my journey's with me. So they may find their own stories to tell. I don't know what the future holds for me but I know any obstacle that gets thrown in my way, I will leap over it and be better than I was before. :)
Kyler Kramer- AIm CO-Manager
Nickname- Ginger Batman
My name is Kyler Kramer. I’m tall, ginger, and more than likely wearing something cartoony. I’m also 21 and a graduate of Bend High. I started my parkour journey at 12 years old back in the summer of 2015. I was just a wee ginger back then, only coming in for open gyms. I started taking classes when I was 13 in September that same year. It created a very powerful spark in me. Especially after trying sport after sport through my school and never finding myself. Now I’ve been training for 7 years and working at AIM for 5. I’ve taught many classes and love seeing the progression that parkour can instill in people. I started out as a turtle, only leaving my shell occasionally, but throughout my years with Eric and AIM, I’ve grown so much as a person and as an athlete.
My life outside of the parkour gym consists of music, movies, lots of comics, and my soon-to-be wife, Luci, who will come to the gym with me occasionally. I also make my own music on the side. My goal is to pair my passion for parkour with my music and create a visual and audible experience that will impact the world in a way never thought possible.
AIM Instructor- Kingston Gomez
Nickname- King
My name is Kingston Gomez, I found parkour in 2021 and immediately gained a passion for the sport. I am a level 4 athlete for AIM and competed in my first competition in May of 2022. At the competition I qualified for finals in the Skills category. Helping younger athletes who are just starting out with Parkour is something I really enjoy. You might find me assisting in All Level classes, Level 2 on Thursdays, or Assisting in Homeschool classes. I also help facilitate birthday parties, camps and other gym events.
I am the oldest of 4 kids at 17 years old, and moved to Bend from Utah about 6 years ago. I am homeschooled.In my free time, I enjoy caring for my reptiles, drawing, and exploring in nature. I am continuing to practice my skills in parkour, with goals to compete in more competitions in 2025. My favorite parkour moves are anything on the bars.
When I graduate I hope to go to college to pursue a master’s degree in herpetology (the scientific study of reptiles and amphibians).
Zack Taylor - Aim Assistant and events instructor
Nickname- Falcon
Hi, My name is Zachariah but everyone calls me Zack. I am currently 14 years old and homeschooled. I have been living in Bend all of my life. I have been doing parkour at Abstract In Motion since April of 2021 and instantly loved everything about it. I am currently the gym’s youngest level 4 student. I wasn’t sure how good of a teacher I’d be but since I have 5 siblings and two of them are younger than me, I figured I would be able to handle all ages of students.
I love my experience at AIM and the community/friendships it has provided me. Come try out parkour and I hope you love it as much as I do!
Logan Hinkley - AIM Assistant and Camp Instructor
Watch a video of our Parkour Instructors Below
This video showcases skills you can achieve after years of dedication and hard work. Anyone is capable of becoming great, you just need to try and continue to try!
As you can see in both of the showcased videos, we can do flips but only after we learned how successfully complete all our basic Parkour movement.